
My CoolSculpting Update- I lost over 10 inches

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Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post for the CoolSculpting procedure, I was provided with complimentary CoolSculpting treatment and compensation to write this review. 


Last June I shared with you all that I was going to be receiving CoolSculpting treatments.

I wrote about how I was really excited to have them done and even more eager to see the results. As far as the treatments go, I had 8 done. Spread out over two days, four on each day. During the treatments, I relaxed and worked on my laptop, watched TV and had a delicious lunch brought to me. The Dr. made me feel comfortable and answered all of my questions. 


Coolsculpting is a non-surgical way to get rid of unwanted fat in the abdomen, flank (love handles) and thighs that has not responded to diet and exercise.

When I first went to my consultation the Dr. and I talked about the areas that I wanted to see the most change, like my lower abdomen area. When treatment day came around he already had a plan and everything went smoothly.

I found that the hardest part of treatment was the wait after it was done because CoolSculpting is not an immediate fix. Patients typically see a 20-25 percent reduction of fat in the treated area, with results as early as three weeks. The most dramatic results are typically observed 1-3 months after treatment.

I really started to see results at the two month mark… and now that I’m at three months past treatment the results are easy for everyone to see.

coolsculpting after

The first step in looking my best was to have a free consultation. You can get one too by visiting the consultation request page ( please note there are few limited markets, like San Diego where the free consultation is available). I learned a lot about the CoolSculpting procedure at my free consultation including that it is the only cold-based, non-surgical body contouring treatment that is cleared by the FDA to treat unwanted fat that is resistant to diet and exercise. 

Non-surgical was a big deal to me, and unlike other surgical procedures designed to reduce fat, the CoolSculpting procedure does not involve surgery, anesthesia or downtime.

More than 1.5 million CoolSculpting treatments have been performed in over 70 countries around the world. The technology was developed by Harvard scientists and is based on science of Cryolipolysis®, a process demonstrating that when fat cells are exposed to extreme cold, they die, and are naturally eliminated from the body for good. During the CoolSculpting procedure, non-invasive applicators deliver precisely controlled cooling to the treatment area to specifically target underlying fat, leaving surface skin and other surrounding tissue unaffected.

Now let’s talk results.

I almost feel like saying nothing because these pictures really speak for themselves. Can you believe the difference? I could feel my clothes starting to fit differently about 1 month after treatment but I couldn’t have dreamed that the results would be this good at three months. My doctor even said that I might see even more resulting this next month. 

I lost a total of almost 11 inches so far. I couldn’t have been more happy with the results.

The CoolSculpting procedure is available through an elite network of CoolSculpting centers worldwide.

The complete list of licensed dermatologists, plastic surgeons and leading aesthetic practices offering the CoolSculpting procedure can be found on  

If you have been looking for a solution to unwanted fat I really encourage you to request a free consultation so that you can learn more about the procedure and how it would help you. 

Do you have an area on your body that would benefit from CoolSculpting treatments?

Heather Reese
the authorHeather Reese
Heather Delaney Reese is the storyteller and photographer behind the lifestyle and family travel blog, It's a Lovely Life®! For the past decade, she has vacationed over 150 days a year with her family. She is a vegan, and loves being by the water, spending time with her children, husband, 2 Shih Tzus and Cat.


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