
Why October Is A Special Month For Me

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October has been taken over with pink. Men are wearing pink ties, my favorite foods packaging is all pink and I love it. It goes beyond breast cancer awareness for me. When I see pink I think of my Grandma and her unconditional love. Thank you to TracFone for sponsoring this post.


My grandma was gorgeous, inside and out.  

She taught me to never give up on my dreams, just like she didn’t. After she raised four children she went back to school and got her degree in teaching and enjoyed many years as a teacher. She was also a fighter who battled breast cancer twice before it metastasized and she passed away. Losing her is something that I will never get over, but I feel like she never completely left… she is still a part of me and I hope I am making her proud by being the best mother I can be. I keep her memory alive year-round by telling my girls stories about her. My grandma was many things, but a great cook wasn’t one of them… but she still kept us well fed whenever we were with her. She also had a great appreciation for the arts and we spent a lot of special moments going to ballets and operas.

She always made me feel loved and I hope she knew just how much she meant to me.

One of my biggest wishes was that we had more time together. I lost her during my freshman year of college and each milestone of my life I am reminded that I can’t share them with her. I don’t want any other granddaughter to feel this way.

Nobody should lose a loved one to breast cancer. We need a cure.

I was so happy to see that TracFone feels the same way. In fact, they have partnered with Susan G. Komen Foundation this October and are donating 10% of proceeds from the sale of  the Pink LG306, available at Dollar General stores and for $9, to the Susan G. Komen Foundation (up to $25,000). TracFone has participated in this awesome program for the past 6 years.

TracFone, one of America’s leading no-contract cell phone service providers, has shown its commitment to the Susan G. Komen Foundation’s important breast cancer research. You can join TracFone in supporting the Susan G. Komen Foundation and the effort to find a cure by purchasing this special phone.

Heather Reese
the authorHeather Reese
Heather Delaney Reese is the storyteller and photographer behind the lifestyle and family travel blog, It's a Lovely Life®! For the past decade, she has vacationed over 150 days a year with her family. She is a vegan, and loves being by the water, spending time with her children, husband, 2 Shih Tzus and Cat.


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