
Thanksgiving Pennant Banner

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Thanksgiving Pennant Banner

Are you like me and you are in disbelief that the holiday season is upon us?

Each year I find myself wondering how we got here so quickly!  It is officially November and in about three weeks we will be celebrating another Thanksgiving with family and friends and lots of good food!  

To get in the spirit of the upcoming holiday, Michelle is here today to share how she made an easy Thanksgiving Pennant Banner.

Here is what you need to make a banner of your own:

Thanksgiving Pennant Banner

  • Burlap
  • Stencils
  • Pennant Flag Stencil
  • String
  • Scissors
  • Sharpie
  • Hot Glue Gun
  • Tape Measure
  • Acrylic Paint
  • Sponge Paint Brush
  • Paint Brush
  • Embellishments

Step One:

Trace triangles using your flag stencil (you can easily make this with cardstock to the appropriate size for your space) on the burlap with a pen, drawing your triangles right side up and upside down alternatively.  Note: keep in mind you will be folding over the tops of your triangles when determining size.

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Step Two:

Cut out the triangles and measure about an inch from the top and fold it down.  Cut off the excess.

Thanksgiving Pennant Banner

Step Three:

Place the stencil in the middle of the triangle and using the sponge paintbrush dab paint onto the stencil to form the letter.  I spelled out the word “thanks”. Feel free to get creative! You can spell out Thanksgiving, thankful, or any other form of the word thanks for that matter!  Be sure to use a color of paint that will contrast well with your burlap.  I played it safe with white but if you are feeling daring go with an orange or a deep brown.

Thanksgiving Pennant Banner

Step Four:

Use the paintbrush to touch up any areas where more paint is needed.

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Step Five:

If you choose to make a banner similar to mine, use a permanent marker to write out the word “give”.  I went the easy route and just free handed it (hey, it gives it my own personal touch) but you can always use stencils if you wish.

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Step Six:

Once your painted letters have dried, you are now ready to assemble the banner.  Place the string under the folded inch at the top.

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Step Seven:

Using a hot glue gun, glue the burlap down over the string in such a way that you can move the pendants around.

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Step Eight:

This last step allows you to use your imagination to embellish the banner according to your own creativity.

I chose mini pine cones and fake fall leaves on every other pendant, I like the earthy feel of those elements along with the burlap.

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Once dry, hang your banner on your mantle or wherever you please.  

You can space your pendants out easily by sliding along the string.  My banner is up and is a constant reminder to me that whether I believe it or not it is already that time of year where we reflect on the many blessings in our lives!  

Thanksgiving Pennant Banner

Tell me something you are Thankful for this Thanksgiving???

Heather Reese
the authorHeather Reese
Heather Delaney Reese is the storyteller and photographer behind the lifestyle and family travel blog, It's a Lovely Life®! For the past decade, she has vacationed over 150 days a year with her family. She is a vegan, and loves being by the water, spending time with her children, husband, 2 Shih Tzus and Cat.


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