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I’ve partnered with HEALTHY ESSENTIALS® Program to share how we are there for all of our girls, even when life gets busy.
As soon as you add a second child, the age-old dilemma of how to be everywhere for every child kicks into play. Then, add one more child and you can totally forget about even the remote possibility of it happening, and that is okay!
When my daughters were old enough to start participating in after-school activities, like lessons and team sports, I quickly started to realize that there was no way I could be at all of their activities, no matter how badly I wanted to. With one of me and three of them, there were bound to be times when there was more than one practice or game at the same time.
I let it really bother me for a short while, and then, realized it was a great lesson for me and them in time management, prioritizing, and planning ahead. It’s very important for our children to see us face obstacles in life and have to create solutions.
One thing that has really worked to give us all peace of mind is to make sure that whether I’m there or not, my daughter has the tools she needs to stay happy, healthy, and in peak performance.
That means she always has her workout backpack with her. Inside her backpack is her water bottle, workout clothes, BAND-AID® Brand SKIN-FLEX™ Adhesive Bandages, and NEOSPORIN® + Pain Relief NEO TO GO!®.
When my daughter is exercising, she is bound to get the occasional cut and scrape here and there, and that doesn’t stop her from finishing her workout session. As a mom, I appreciate the 24-hour hold of BAND-AID® Brand SKIN-FLEX™ Adhesive Bandages that lasts through hand washing and dries almost instantly.
I am sharing the rest of my tips for how we are there for all of our girls, even when life gets busy over at Hop on over to read more!
I LOVE neosporin on the go! It’s definitely in my diaper bag because my kids are so accident prone.
I can imagine the struggle, my mom was the same when were younger and it was crazy. It’s nice that you’re able to balance everything out. And you’re it’s important that they have all the things that they need whether you’re there or not.
It can get really chaotic when everyone has their own thing that they need to go to on the same day at the same time! I think time management and proper scheduling is key. It’s nice that you always make sure that your kids have everything they need.
It sounds like you have it all covered with the little first aid style kit to send. As a parent sometimes it is hard to get time management spot on when things clash, I think when you can be present then you just give it your all supporting them 🙂
It sounds like you have it all covered with the little first aid style kit to send. As a parent sometimes it is hard to get time management spot on when things clash with each child, I think when you can be present then you just give it your all supporting them 🙂
I can just imagine how crazy things must be when all of your kids have school events at the same time! It’s great that you’re able to balance your time and that your kids are understanding of the situation as well. 🙂
It can be hard to balance more than one child activities. I try and rotate my attendance so I still get see some of each.
I can imagine the struggle of trying to be everywhere at once, to see each of your kids play on their teams. It seems like you’re doing an amazing job anyways, despite the potential overlapping of schedules. 🙂
I so need stock in these products at my home. My kids are forever falling and bumping and bruising themselves.
It’s a difficult challenge to keep track of sporting events when you have more than one athlete in the house. I feel it’s important for them to understand that we can’t be everywhere, but we will try our best to support them in other ways.
It is impossible for me to be at every game or event, especially with three active kids. As a busy mom, all I can do is my best. I always make sure someone is there to cheer them on, even if it can not be me.
I think us moms would love to be at every practice or game, but that’s just not possible. You are doing great though ensuring your girls have everything they need to be self sufficient when mom can’t be there to take care of them.
I travel a lot, so being there for my only child is a priority for me! I’m not always here, but I do my best!
I travel a lot, but being there for my only child is a priority for me! I am not always there for sports but I do my best!
Great suggestions. We have twins so it’s always tough to be at their activities at the same time. We just have to do our best but they had to get used to it at young age,,,there’s only one of me and two of them. Sending care packages and first aid items are great ideas when we can’t be there.
Nowadays moms have to work also, so this makes it a bit difficult to be at every event. I wasn’t at every event my daughter had, but she knew I was her support,
I’ve been through that and glad that we survived! I have three kids too and when my kids were young, they had different after-school activities to attend to. It sure was a hectic schedule! Driving them to practice and picking them up, attending events they participated in, etc. etc. Good thing I had a great support group. My mom and my sisters stepped in whenever there was a conflict in schedule.