
One Kind Word Can Change Someones Entire Day

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Our challenge for today… find someone that needs a kind word and give them one.

So simple but so important. Search out those that need a little encouragement and be a friend to them. 

Heather Reese
the authorHeather Reese
Heather Delaney Reese is the storyteller and photographer behind the lifestyle and family travel blog, It's a Lovely Life®! For the past decade, she has vacationed over 150 days a year with her family. She is a vegan, and loves being by the water, spending time with her children, husband, 2 Shih Tzus and Cat.


  • So true- such a simple thing as a kind word can totally turn someone’s day around!

  • My day has been completely turned around by just a few kind words. I am thankful for them and hope to do the same for others!

  • this is such a true principle. I believe that if you think something kind about someone…just tell them. Don’t be embarrassed…tell them. It makes everyone feel great. Thanks for this great reminder.

  • Oh I love this! You know, you never really know what someone is going through or struggling with. Telling someone they look nice, or some other kind of compliment – it really could make their entire day!

  • Its so true. And I try to be cognizant about speaking with kindness to others. You never know when you can make a difference

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