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This is a sponsored post on behalf of Hidden Valley® Ranch. We are partnering with the makers of Hidden Valley® Ranch in celebration of family meal times while savoring it all: the little, big and chaotic moments of everyday life.
Pete and I both work full time, much like most parents these days.
With everything happening in our careers, and the girls’ lives, we sometimes find ourselves looking at each other on Sunday nights wondering where the week went, like we weren’t really even a part of it. Sunday to Sunday just slips by us.
This year is going to be different.
This year we are focusing all of our energy on mindfulness and living in the moment. If we are on vacation, we are going to be more “there” than we have before. We are going to cherish those times and really enjoy them. 2015 felt like a build up to this moment. We traveled more as a family last year than we ever had before, and that made us realize just how important these times together are.
We have some big memory-making events planned, but we are also cherishing the everyday moments, like after school snack time.
After school snack time is a ritual that is often forgotten… but can be one of the most magical times of the day if you can forget your emails, forget thinking about dinner, forget the laundry, and be in the moment. Be mindful of all that is being shared between you and your child. That’s what we are going to do this year.
Mindfulness isn’t just during snack time either.
We are thinking of mindful living at all times. That means continuing to focus on work that needs to be done during working hours. Yes, we are actually going to try to establish set work hours. I know that Pete and I will still check emails throughout the day even after work time, but we are going to be more strategic with what needs to be done. We will ask ourselves, “Can this wait until work hours to be done?” If the answer is yes, then that’s when it will be handled. No more late nights burning the midnight oil. We need rest to really enjoy our family time so that means prioritizing sleep too.
Maddie is turning 16 soon so we are also acutely aware that the season of our lives, when all of our children live at home, is going to be coming to an end. We need to make every moment count. We need to be present for every experience we share together and really soak it all in.
There is no time to enjoy today tomorrow, it must be lived and felt today.
I am really excited for our year of mindfulness. I know we are going to create memorable moments that we will all cherish forever.
Hidden Valley urges you to slow down and savor it all – from the small victories and big achievements to life’s hiccups and messes along the way. Hug a little harder, laugh a bit louder and connect even deeper, because today will never repeat. Savor the moments that tell the true story of our lives. It’s happening right now.
How do you incorporate more mindful living in your family’s life? Share on Facebook using #SavorItAll
This is a sponsored post on behalf of Hidden Valley Ranch. We are partnering with the makers of Hidden Valley® Ranch in celebration of family mealtimes while savoring it all: the little, big and sometimes chaotic moments of everyday life.
We are doing the same thing this year actually! I think it’s so important to be aware and make some awesome memories.
I have been wanting to become more mindful in 2016 as well. It is a great goal.
I love this idea so much. I was so distracted this past year. I’d like to focus on being more in the moment this year.
I’m also working on being “there” with my kids this year! We are trying to eat healthier and go hiking more too!
I think this is a great mindset for the new year. I think you guys will have a lot of fun during your daily after school snack times.
After school snack was important to me as a kid. And not just because I was hungry. It was a pause in the day to reflect and catch my breath.
I love the idea of keeping a set work hour schedule. It is so easy to not do that, but it really can make a difference with the whole family.
I totally agree! It’s so important to be mindful and stay present. I’m definitely making an effort to be better at this in 2016!
One of the things I am working on this year is just really being here for myself. I have neglected myself for too long and not really lived life the way that it should. I really want more adventures and memories.
It’s funny you posted this. My resolution for the new year was to live more in the moment and connect with my family more. I’m so guilty of looking forward and not appreciating what’s right in front of me.
I need to keep a dedicated work schedule too and then spend more time with the kids. I want to savor the moments too.
I love the idea of living a more mindful life. I am working on a similar path with my family.
It’s important to seat goals early in the year. I hope this will be a great year for your family.
Awesome post! We are trying to be more present and mindful of how time is spent also. Our oldest will be starting college soon and we want to soak up every moment we can while she’s still here.
I love the spirit of this. Time goes faster than we all realize. Appreciating even the most normal of moments is rewarding.
You have a nice outlook for 2016. I am sure this will lead to a lot of positive moments.
Your New Year plans sound so good. I am amazed at how quickly your girls are growing. Building meaningful moments will be special.
I am with you there! I want to take my family on a vacation this year where we are not distracted by all the things going on at home. We all need a break and the kids need time to just be themselves.
I didn’t know you worked full-time. I’m amazed at how well you keep this blog up with that kind of commitment. Big kudos to you!! And Happy New Year too, while I’m here. 🙂
They ,key is to be mindful all the time, every moment. Once you start it’s very peaceful, focused, balanced . I hope you have an amazing year this year with the family creating more mindfulness
I like this idea of being more mindful. I do struggle with being in the moment so being more mindful would be good for me too.
I don’t have any plan this year. First time in a long time. I do however, have great expectations.
I used to be really good about turning it all from 4 PM until bedtime, so that I could be fully present with the kids. This year I let it slide more than I’m comfortable with. I love the idea of presence and mindfulness in all moments, including snack time.
I blink and the week is gone too! I definitely hear you on the craziness of busy schedules!
Now that my kids are in College it is harder to get the quality time with them. We will be trying to be more mindful this year. It is important to live in the moment.
Being able to stop and enjoy the little things is so important. Especially when you have children. They crave the little things!
I agree with really enjoying the moment. Part of that of course is putting down the electronics and having more conversations. Real conversations. I try and make sure I listen to what is said and acknowledge it.
Every moment should definitely be relished in together. I love seeing families spending quality time together with such bright smiling faces.
Since we homeschool and when we are actually home my kids constantly want to eat. I am being mindful of their eating habits, making sure they are healthy choices.
I think everyone of us go through such life these days with busy schedules all around, that too when both husband & wife has to earn for the family. We would like to so mindful as well atleast from this year on to make sure we focus on special moments of our life.
I completely agree with your sentiments. That time when the kids hop off the bus and walk in for a snack is when they are most open and ready to talk about their day. Truthfully I’m ready for a break then as well. So excited to see what adventures you all will be on in 2016.
Great perspective of what is to come for 2016! I love the positive outlook you have!
Wow following this mantra will give you a great new year ahead! Wishing you all of the very best in 2016 and beyond!
I think mindfulness is something we could all be better at. With so much access to technology, it’s easy to be a distracted parent or spouse. I love your idea of intentional mindful living!
Pictures are GREAT to have but me and my family tend to worry about the pic so much we aren’t in the moment with the kids! I plan on changing that this year!