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I love discovering new ways to bring happiness to my life and those of my readers and I am so excited to share that Mad Life Season 3 is here. This post is a sponsored post partnership so that I can share all about these new videos.
It’s been 9 months since I decided to just be happy.
That sounds strange right? But it’s totally true. This past year has been crazy good. My good year started one day when I decided to see the good in any and all situations. To wake up each morning knowing it’s going to be a good day. Does it always work? No, I still have bad days but I don’t let them get to me like they did before. I let go of things I can’t control and focus on what I can… and I really appreciate all that I have to be thankful for in my life.
I love when I find other people who are on the same mission as I am to have a better life, be happy and be awesome parents. It’s even better when they like to laugh too! The Mad Life video series is all of this and more!
CafeMom Studios is in its third season of producing an awesome video series called Mad Life.
Mad Life is sponsored by Target and hosted by Andrew Shue. Yes, THAT Andrew Shue! They tackle topics that we are all thinking about as parents in a funny way and they have some that really get you thinking too.
This one called “Enjoying The Simple Things” really spoke to me.
I love how Andrew just gets it. I spent my summer doing the same thing. Enjoying the simple {or small things as I call them}.
If you haven’t seen a Mad Life video before you are going to really enjoy them.
The panel on the videos are top notch! Andrew Shue is the host and is joined by his mother in law Joanie Robach and his good friend Chuck Nice. I love that they tackle each situation with good advice and tons of humor! You can learn more about them here.
Us enjoying the simple things with a walk on the beach and looking for sea creatures.
Here is the latest episode which I could totally relate to.
Mad Life Beauty Break – Shine Made Simple. The Mad Life Glam Squad got a plea from a mom who wants Sofia Vergara’s luminous hair and sultry eyes. They show her – and us that with the right products, any mom can go from drab to fab! I’m going to be following these tips because I want gorgeous hair and eyes too!
Head on over to Mad Life to see even more awesome episodes and be sure to grab a cup of coffee or tea beforehand. They are great to sit back and watch while enjoying something to drink. I couldn’t stop at watching just one… I kept seeing more and more that I just had to watch!
I always have to take a time out and remind myself to take a time out and just enjoy the small things in life.
I’ll have to check those videos out! I’ve been enjoying the simple life after dinner out on my patio here recently. Just watching the sun set 🙂
Good for you– I read The Magic a few years ago, and I haven’t been the same since. It really is true that we each have so much more to be grateful for than all of our complaints.
Anything my kids say makes me smile and realize that life is good.
Oh I am sooooo excited about this! I love positivity and it is hard to find in media these days.
The simplest moment that I have enjoyed recently was letting my 12 year daughter do my nails. Just spending that quality time with her doing something that she loved was so easy to do. But sometimes I get so busy I forget to do the simple things.
What a great idea to tackle these in a more accessible format. Web shows are really taking good off it seems.
I think I need to watch this show. I could use some perspective.
I have never even heard of this show before but it seems very inspirational for women and mom’s. Love the photos of the beach!
It’s definitely something special to be able to share something you love with someone. Sometimes happiness is a choice and sometimes it just happens but there are people who are much older and still haven’t made the decisions you have. or anywhere close to it. It’s great that Andrew Shue is a family man. I’ve always liked him and I love what their focus and show is about.
I’ve never heard of Mad Life before but it may be something I can watch. You do need to take the time out to enjoy the small things in life. You’re so right!
These videos seem really fascinating and I bet they do touch upon very relatable, interesting topics. I am going to read about Mad Life now!
Awesome to hear that you decided to be happy! And I had no idea that Andrew Shue was doing this! In fact, I haven’t even really heard much about him in such a long time.
Andrew is really cute thats all I can think about lol. I am familiar with Chuch Nice I’ve seen him on VH1 I think, he is very funny. I’m checking out the videos now.
That little girls looks so adorable! I haven’t tried watching Mad Life because I think it’s not available here in our country. One of the simplest thing that made me happy this week was a simple bonding with my family over food and drinks!
I’ve tried to have a similar perspective lately. It’s much easier to exhale and try to see the good as opposed to getting bogged down in the negative. Like you, I’m not there all the way but it’s on the way. I need to check in with Mad Life.
Simple things DO make you happier. I love going on walks with my 2 year old and just talking to him.
I know Chuck Nice in different things on tv, he is so funny!
I am going to have to check out those videos. I am always looking for something new to watch. Love the pictures at the beach too!
It is awesome that you decided to start seeing all the good in life instead of the bad, the stressful, the terrible. I really admire that and try to do the same, but sometimes it’s difficult. I am loving the last photo in this post. What a gorgeous beach!
It’s really important to enjoy the simple things in life. What a nice reminder from Mad Life series.
I’ve never heard of MadLife but I’ll have to check it out. Thanks for sharing!
I’m going to have to check this show out. It sounds like a great show. I can’t believe I haven’t heard of it until now.
I don’t have cable, so I’ll have to see if it gets picked up on any of the stations on my Roku.
As for simple moments, well, my son and I actually talked about the birds and bees and he was surprisingly mature about it for being 11. Apparently his uncle, who is 18 had showed him in a crude manner and made it uncomfortable that he wasn’t sure that he could talk to his dad. Because my father is in the medical field, my son was more comfortable asking me. I will cherish his trust and maybe it wasn’t really simple, but in that moment I saw how my son was growing up. Oh yeah… I did have the proud mommy tears after… lol