
Keep Good Going With New York Life

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I love watching this video My Uncle’s Gift. It’s amazing how one small gift can inspire someone to live the life of their dreams. My own father inspired and continues to inspire me to live out my own dreams of being a professional writer but it wasn’t inspired with a gift… it was inspired with a lifetime of encouragement…. just like his own father gave him. And now that I have children of my own I’m carrying on the tradition!

Ever since I was a little girl my father has encouraged me to follow my dreams. One of those dreams was to be a professional writer. Even when I was too young to actually write I would tell everyone that I was going to be a writer and my dad would always tell me “well, then do it”! He now tells my daughters that they can reach their dreams!

Without my fathers’ constant encouragement to follow my dreams of being a writer I know I wouldn’t be where I am today… living my life long dream of encouraging others through my words.

Has there been someone in your life that has encouraged you to follow your dreams, or were you given a gift that jump-started your dreams? I’d love to hear about how you Keep Good Going!

Heather Reese
the authorHeather Reese
Heather Delaney Reese is the storyteller and photographer behind the lifestyle and family travel blog, It's a Lovely Life®! For the past decade, she has vacationed over 150 days a year with her family. She is a vegan, and loves being by the water, spending time with her children, husband, 2 Shih Tzus and Cat.


  • I have a few people in my life that have been truly encouraging like that and I try to do the same for my boys now that they are getting older.

  • My grandmother was my biggest champion. Her unconditional love and support still affects me positively today, and she’s been gone for quite awhile now.

  • My parents would try to be encouraging when I was younger. It is always great to have their support.

  • My step father was the one who inspired me and to go after my dreams. He always believed in me and I wish he was alive today to see all that I’ve achieved.

  • My step mom was always my biggest supporter. Always giving me advice and pushing me to reach my goals.

  • how wonderful your dad was so – and still is so encouraging!! it’s so important to have support!

  • I’d have to say that my encouragement comes from the 3 little faces that depend on me everyday.

  • It is always nice to have an encourager of your dreams…especially when it is someone who knows you intimately. Good for you for following your dream

  • Both of my parents have always been incredibly supportive of their children, myself included. I try to do the same for my kids. My husband also supports me in whatever I try and to and is understanding of the time involved in some of the things I am interested in.

  • My parents helped me start my dream of launching my website. Without them, Frugal Froggie would not exist.

  • What a great influence. My dad wasn’t around when I was growing up but I’ve had many awesome mentors. Thanks for sharing your personal story.

  • It is wonderful you aren’t scared to live out your dreams- so many people only wish, but never make it happen.

  • My husband is my biggest fan and encourager. He believes in me and pushes me to go as far as I can.

  • That is lucky of you that you have parents who encourage your talents. I only have a good encourager when I grew up and that is my husband.

  • My parents have always encouraged me, even to this day. They were supportive through everything.

  • When I was young I thought I wanted to be a teacher. Went to school and got my degree as I got older I got tired of the politics and am now living my dream on my blog. I love when parents encourage their children instead of tear them down.

  • My mom is constantly telling me to continue you writing. In fact she is pushing me to finish a book that I keep starting and stopping. I figure at some point I will go ahead and finish it. I just have to find my motivation.

  • It is a true blessing when our fathers can be such a large part of our lives! I hope my husband makes the same sort of impression with my three kiddos.

  • So important for everyone to have that someone. My grandmother has always been one of my biggest supporters.

  • That is so wonderful that your dad encouraged you to reach for your dreams. My parents are an amazing support system for me as well as my husband.

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