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This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Vitamin Angels. All opinions are 100% mine.
Vitamins are often taken for granted when there is a lot of fresh food to eat.
I learned the hard way that vitamins and minerals are an extremely important part of our well being. It’s been over 2 years since I was diagnosed with my own deficiency. Had I not been diagnosed and received supplemental treatment I wouldn’t be here today.
Vitamins are that important.
Thankfully I was able to get the vitamins I needed but many don’t have access to vitamins and minerals… especially those most at-risk, including pregnant women, new mothers, and children under five who really need lifesaving vitamins and minerals. An estimated 190 million children under the age of five suffer from vitamin A deficiency, which can lead to weakened immune systems, childhood blindness, and even death.
We don’t have to let this happen. There is a way to help!
This holiday season consider donating to Vitamin Angels. Even the smallest gift can change a child’s life. Your 25 cents will bring lifesaving vitamin A to a child in need.
25 cents reduces mortality in at-risk children by up to 24% by providing one dose of vitamin A, twice a year. Vitamin A supplements are the least expensive solution to addressing preventable child deaths. Vitamin A Saves Lives.
Another idea is to donate in lieu of giving a gift! You can donate to Vitamin Angels in honor of an individual. This provides a gift that lasts beyond the holidays and creates a legacy of giving. Individuals make a donation and receive a downloadable or shareable card that shows their donation to Vitamin Angels.
I think this is one of the best gifts you can give. Get involved. Donate now.
Vitamin Angels helps at-risk populations in need—specifically pregnant women, new mothers, and children under five—gain access to lifesaving and life changing vitamins and minerals. In 2014, Vitamin Angels has been working to reach 40 million children in approximately 45 countries, including the US, with the vital nutrients they need as a foundation for good health. Vitamin Angels has received seven consecutive four-star ratings from Charity Navigator for Financial Health, Accountability and Transparency.
It’s so important for people to take vitamins. It’s great that people are able to help those get the vitamins they need.
I feel for these kids, they deserve so much more!
Vitamins are so important, especially for young kids. I first heard of Vitamin Angels through Neocell’s Giving is Beautiful campaign last fall.
Such a great post, seeing those kids makes me want to cry! Sometimes we forget how privileged we are.
This is such a great cause. If people who have an abundance of food need vitamins for essential nutrients I can only image what people in the third world need.
I agree that Vitamins are very important for children! These kids deserve a good life!
I might donate on behalf of my Mom actually. This is a great charity and a smart initiative. I hope it makes a difference for many families.
What a way to make a difference. Thank you for spreading awareness!
what a great initiative. Thanks for showing this to all of us
Wow! What a need organization! Definitely needed in many places!
This is a really smart initiative. Thanks for sharing this charity with us!
Vitamins are definitely very important, what a great scheme.
This is such an important cause. It is amazing what simple things we take for granted .
These kids surely deserve these vitamins, it’s so sad
Vitamins are so important! I love the idea of giving back!
It’s amazing that they can do this for kids who are in need. Such an inspirational program.
These kids really need our help, they deserve this and so much more!
This is such a great way to give back. Kids definitely can benefit by having these vitamins!
These kids deserve so much more help than they get, I feel so bad for them!
Fantastic organization. Love what they are doing.
Awe this is so sad. What a great way for these little ones to get nourishment.
To me, organizations that work to help children top my list. Yes, vitamins are crucial, especially if the proper whole food nutrients are not in place.
What an amazing organization! Everyone deserves to have access to the things they need to grow and thrive, including vitamins. That’s wonderful they are getting them to so many who truly need them!
It sounds like a great program. Kids need our help and a great way to help.
What a great cause – you are so right – vitamins ARE extremely important! Thank you for spreading the word!
It’s amazing how much just a little can do, isn’t it? One of the best things about this time of year is how these things are shared.
This is such an amazing cause that could help so many people. Thanks for sharing.
It’s amazing how much a quarter can do! Definitely feels great to know that your money goes a long way to getting vitamins & minerals to those in need 🙂
Beautiful post for an amazing cause. Loved learning about it. Thanks for sharing!
This is the second time I have heard about this and it is so wonderful. I am glad you are sharing it! I know vitamins and minerals are so important!
Such a wonderful cause. I’m glad to hear about the great work that they are doing!
Really a great post! I always feel for these kids. Everyone should help for them. Vitamins are very essential one for young kids. This would awaken all and make them to think about these kind of children’s health. Truly a smallest thing can give a big change in a child’s’ life.
Vitamin Angels has a wonderful mission. I love they giveback to those in need.
What a wonderful mission! I love the idea of helping those that are in need!
This makes my heart melt. These innocent children, I wish I could help them all!
Vitamins are definitely important. I’ve suffered through deficiencies before and it isn’t pretty.
I would donate in honor of my mother and grandmother. It would be an honor to be able to help another generation of mothers have healthy babies courtesy of Vitamin Angels.
This is an amazing cause. Those kids deserve it all.
I can surely donate that and more to make some child’s life a lot better. I spend more on just coffee.
I hadn’t heard of a charity delivering vitamins. I am in! What a great cause to get my daughter involved in too.
What a wonderful cause! Children all over the world need to know that people care about them, and donating to Vitamin Angels is a great way to say that. I would donate in honor of my aunt, who had the biggest heart I knew.
So great to see organizations like this give back. I love it!
I feel so bad for anyone who doesn’t have what they need to survive.