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Want to be a professional travel blogger? We are sharing the best tips we have learned from years of successful blogging to start and grow your own travel blog.
Also see: 10 Tools Every Blogger Needs To Make More Money, A Day In The Life Of A Full-Time Professional Blogger, How Much Money Can You Make Blogging
Related: Online Blog and Business Income Report – 2019 Year in Review
Best tips for starting a successful travel blog.
After years of writing a successful travel blog, it was fun to sit down and share some of the simplest tips for travel blogging success. Pete and I have learned a lot over the years of travel blogging that we have used to become professional travel bloggers and we are sharing these tips with you so that you don’t have to learn the hard way!
The most important tip we could ever share with a blogger, beginner or experienced, is that the reader experience is the most important aspect of any successful travel blog. If the reader isn’t happy, then the blog will fail. So always keep in mind that regardless of anything else you do on your travel blog, you must make sure you are providing awesome content and an equally amazing reader experience.

What are the best travel blogging success tips?
Above anything else, you want to make sure that your blog is very clean and easy to read. The best way to do this is to keep your blog background white and your text black. Resist any urges to change the color of either of these to anything different than black and white.
I see people change these colors way more than I imagined I would, especially with dark mode on social media platforms. You never want to use text that is hard to read. Cursive and fancy text can look good in logos, but not in the body of your blog posts. Keep it basic.
How do you provide a lot of information in a blog post without overloading the reader?
Break up your paragraphs and use headlines or bold text to make it really easy to read. You want to make it very digestible for the reader. You can also use images to break up your words. People are very visual and sometimes they’ll just scroll through looking at the pictures and then a certain picture will pique their interest. They’ll stop, and they’ll read under that image so give them these subtle reminders to keep reading. People often immediately get overloaded with a lot of text on a page that isn’t properly broken down so that is another reason to create those page breaks.
If you also produce videos, embed those in your blog posts.
You want to think about it in the sense that people that come to your site consume the information in different ways. Some people are going to read everything, some are going to scroll and look at the pictures and get the information from that, and some will be very interested in watching videos. So you want to provide for all the different people that are coming to your site and give them your content in the way that easiest for them to consume.
How long should a travel blog post be?
We strive for at least a thousand words, but 2000 is even better. You want to provide a lot of content. You want to give the search engines a lot of material to index, however, you do not want to make it fluffy. You do not want people to get bored with your content so don’t add extra words just for the sake of hitting a number. Some posts are not going to hit even 1,000 words so if you are answering a straightforward subject and you have 500 words and there is nothing more of value to supply, keep it at 500 words. 500 words should be your minimum though.
How many pictures should you have in your travel blog posts?
There is no magic number when it comes to how many pictures you should have in your travel blog posts but always consider the user experience. Don’t overload your posts with pictures, but have enough to tell your story well.
Cultivate your own way of writing.
Don’t be afraid to try something new. If you feel drawn to share in a certain way or write in a style that you haven’t seen before, go for it. That is what will differentiate you and make you memorable. I remember years ago I would do my blog posts live each day we were traveling. I wanted our readers to feel like they were along on the vacation with us, and they loved it. They would come back to our site each morning to see what we had been doing and they were able to ask questions while we were still on the group and experiencing it. I tried something new and it totally worked and helped build a connection with our readers. Never be apprehensive about trying new things.
Create a blog post template and checklist.
Map out what your ideal blog posts are going to look like. How will you place your images? Will you have links to certain places? Also, keep a checklist. On the blog post checklist, you want to have things like: did you double-check your spelling? did you share it on Facebook? Are you including all of your best blog traffic practices? It is so much easier to create quality travel blog posts when you already have a system in place for how you are going to publish the posts and what you are going to do after you hit publish.
If you have an interest in travel blogging, we’ve got a completely free training available for you where we show you our system for using email pitches to arrange our “comped” travel for our travel blog. This is when a hotel, resort, attraction, cruise line, etc. will host us (for free) in exchange for us posting about it on our blog. The best part is that it’s a system that will work for brand new bloggers or those that have some experience.
If you would like to check out the free video training which is on-demand, CLICK HERE.
This is the first video of yours I have watched through to the end. Thank you for being concise and to the point. I live that you stated tips for a blogpost and that is all you talked about. Anyways thank you and useful tips.