
April Fool’s Day Cat Poop Cake Recipe

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Quick story. I made this cake on Sunday and then I left it on the counter. Monday morning the Toddlers babysitter came to watch her. An hour or so went by and we were both in the kitchen… I looked over at the cake and asked her if she liked the cake. She said she did after she realized that it wasn’t an actual litter box on the counter. She thought for awhile that we got side tracked while cleaning out the litter box and just left it on the counter. YUCK! Can you imagine putting a dirty litter box on the kitchen counter! She must have thought we had totally lost our minds!

Back to the cake. In the spirit of April Fools being on 5 days away I made you all a “Kitty Litter Cake”. This is perfect to serve on the big day! This is also another cheater cake… aka, from a BOX! 

Everything you need:

Bake a cake, put in CLEANED, BRAND NEW litter box:


Smash vanilla cookies:

Unwrap Tootsie rolls and heat in the microwave for a few seconds:

Sprinkle cookies and form poop, Voila! Cat Poop Cake! Dig in {literally}!

Heather Reese
the authorHeather Reese
Heather Delaney Reese is the storyteller and photographer behind the lifestyle and family travel blog, It's a Lovely Life®! For the past decade, she has vacationed over 150 days a year with her family. She is a vegan, and loves being by the water, spending time with her children, husband, 2 Shih Tzus and Cat.


  • That is so funny.. I love it.. I was confused for a second, I thought wouldnt that litter box melt in the oven.. lol duh cook it in a pan then put it in the box.. hahahaha leave it to me.. Going to have to try this!!

    Thanks for sharing…

  • hahaha! My daughter’s birthday is in a few days! I think I know what cake she is getting!


  • Haha, this is a good one! I will have to try it out next year! or maybe sooner… on some friends.

  • That’s definitely realistic looking! I’m not sure I could bear making it or eating it. LOL!

  • That is just *so* wrong….lol… of course I had to share a link to it with my FB friends! lol

  • xD lol Oh wow!! My Aunts Birthday is Tomorrow and I’m going up to see here this weekend! I made a bunch of crazy cakes (! Her and her family are TOTAL CAT people! This will be great! Thank you for sharing!!

  • This is GREAT!! I’m racking my brain trying to think of someone I could make this for!!

    • LOL! I know… you certainly don’t want to “waste” it on the wrong person, 🙂

  • This is the most gross yet innovative & clever cake I have EVER seen!! Totally Classic!! I cant wait to try it out on someone! (or two) Hehehee.. It’s totally me!! Thank You for the great idea, your a genious!! Lol!! Thanks again!! (= (=

    • Glad you are “enjoying” it, LOL! Have fun and let me know who you gross out! 🙂

  • This looks EXACTLY like my cats litter box!! Even the blue box and the exact same scooper! I can barely stop laughing to type this!!!!!!!!! Frickin’ Hysterical!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂

    • I know right! I bought the most popular pan and scooper from Walmart for it. It’s even grosser in person!

  • I think I am in love!! What a fantastic idea… im going to make the cake and leave it on the counter and see what hubby says lol SFE

  • How would you suggest getting the cake out of the pan without breaking it? I was thinking maybe one of those tin foily kind of pans and possibly cutting the pan so you can get it out from underneath. Other than that, how would you suggest getting it out?

    • The pan is really sturdy so I’ve never worried about breaking it… if you wanted to you could probably drop a foil one into the litter box 🙂

  • I am a newbie here. I adore this cake! It is quite hilarious. I saw it on the side and was freaking out thinking, “why does she have a kitty litter box on FB?” BWAHAHAHAHAHA I then thought it said poop cake, then finally saw CAT POOP CAKE and nearly died laughing. It would be the funniest thing ever to do to my brother, as he hates cats, and my sister’s and me are all cat lovers!! HAHA. Thanks for this. Dora

  • I make this for different holidays make a white cake and a chocolate cake , crumble them up together in the cat litter box with a liner in it and the make a large box of vanilla pudding as per recipe and crumble golden oreo’s mix together and then the only thing i do different is to change the color of the tootsie rolls , red and green for Christmas ,red and white for Valentines Day on down the line for each day. best cake I’ve ever made and am always asked to bring it to functions. Thay never know how i’ll decorate it.

  • One of our Scouts made this for our Cake was so realistic (being a cat owner it was not attractive). It was funny though!

  • FUNNY! But not sure I could eat the cake- My husband had a cat and it reminds me to much of him!! LOL

  • haha I was talking about this just today .. Gonna make it for my sisters bday 🙂 🙂 🙂

  • this would be such an awesome april full joke for my brother its his birthday that day too

  • I really enjoyed your cat poop cake. I decorayed cakes for a long time when my kids were young. this would have been great for my one daughter who has always loved cats so much. Since she got married she and her husband always have two. It still would be a great one for her. good job.

  • hahaha, hilarious. My 3-year-old boy would LOVE this! 🙂 Thanks for linking this up to Monday Funday!

  • This is the funniest thing I have seen in a long time!! That must have been so fun 🙂 I know our readers would love to see this, too! Our Weekly All Things Thursday Link Up party is going on now at, and we would LOVE for you to join us with this post and/or any others you’d like to share 🙂 Hope to see you soon!!

  • Haha i remember making this for summer camps, so funny! 🙂

  • I shamelessly copied your cake to the T and it was OH SO GROSS! I mean the looks of course. I made this for a dog birthday party I threw for our friend’s dog. I thought it would be perfect for the kids to eat and every dog I’ve had loves to eat cat poop. Gross. Anyways, thanks for the easy instructions it turned out perfect.


    Here is mine if you would like to see:)

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