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I’ve partnered with HEALTHY ESSENTIALS® to share a letter to my teens about health and beauty.
There have been many stages of parenthood that I have absolutely loved – one of them is the teen years. Yes, there can be some wild emotions happening, but it is pretty amazing to watch your little kids turn into confident young adults!
Parenting during the teen years is more important than ever, and I recently took a few minutes to write a letter to my daughters sharing some advice that I hope continues to keeps them on great paths.
To my amazing daughters,
You guys are rocking this time of life like nothing I’ve seen before. You take the bumps in the road with such grace that I am sometimes left speechless, which you know is a big deal coming from me!
I learned a long time ago that what is inside means a lot more than what you see on the outside, and I’m so happy that you two are light years ahead of me. You are both beautiful, but even more importantly, you are good people.
I want you to know that when you are feeling self-conscious and just having one of those days, remember that no one else is judging you; let’s be honest, you’re likely your own worst critic. As long as you do your best and treat others well, you have nothing to worry about. Just keep being you because you are already awesome!
Remember girls: to look and feel your best, you need to be healthy on the inside and out. Take care of your bodies and your minds — eat well, exercise and believe in yourself.
I am sharing the rest of my letter to my girls over at Hop on over to read more!
How do you encourage your teens to value who they are and be confident in themselves?
I always make sure my daughters know that I support them and their dreams no matter what, and I’m always sure to be there to help them however they need it.
I have two little girls who haven’t yet gotten to the stage where they are self conscious, but this is great advice. Confidence comes from the inside out and a big part is what you put in your body to begin with.
I love it! It’s so important to support our daughters and ensure that they always feel confident enough to be themselves. Too many people and messages out there will try to get them to change.
What a beautiful and thoughtful letter to your daughters. I feel this is something we may do, when she gets to the teen years.
These are such beautiful thoughts to share with your teens. I am trying to teach my tween daughter to be confident in herself and so far so good!s
What a beautiful and empowering letter to your beautiful daughters! Confidence is a great lesson to teach! Also having empathy but not at the risk of their own good. Teaching balance I feel is key in all things.
I think it is so important to teach our kids to be confident in their skin. We are definitely our own worst critic. I wish I had learned this when I was younger.
This is such a great read and a reminder that life is always better when are just yourself! I will have to go check out the rest of the letter now!
That’s a really lovely lesson to teach your girls. It’s important that they love and value who they are and that they’re always confident about themselves.
WOW! I am saving this for a future daughter. This is beautiful. Thanks for sharing!
That is a great way to connect and parent your teens. They are going through a lot at this age.
Sticking true to who you are is really the best advice for this age group. So many people are going to push and pull you to fit a certain click.
Aww what a beautiful letter to your daughter, teenage years are so hard and making sure your child remains confident through them is a big thing.
Great advice for your daughters! It’s so important to support them and give them the tools and foundation they need and it sounds like you’ve done just that.
This is such a sweet letter to your daughters. I made a letter to my son before too and I told him that I am always here to support him every step of the way.
This is such a sweet letter to your daughters. I made a letter to my son before too and I told him that I am always here for him every step of the way.
This is a beautiful post. Your girls are luck y to have such a great mom like you!! My daughter is only 6, but I try to encourage her to be the best that she can be. WE talk about our feelings and share our emotions! I hope to have a great relationship with her always!
This is nice. My daughter is on her way to toddlerhood, and I think about these future discussions I will have with her. I love that we mothers are empowering our daughters in such a positive way!