
5 Tips To Protect Your Skin From The Sun

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These 5 tips for protecting your skin from the sun are brought to you by Whole Foods Market, who is sponsoring this post.


The weather here in San Diego has been crazy the past couple weeks.

From 100 degrees one day to 60’s the next! But one thing remains regardless of the weather… we must protect our skin from the sun! This is especially true now that summer is right around the corner and we will all be spending more time outside! 

Since I know that this next week will include lot’s of outdoor fun and maybe some swimming we stopped into Whole Foods Market and bought some Natural Sun Care Products because they are having a 30% off sale! I picked up an SPF 50 Sport for my husband to use when he goes for a run, an SPF 30 for the kiddos and aloe vera gel just in case any of our skin gets too much color.


I also follow the following 5 to protect our skin from the summer {or anytime} sun:

  1. Avoid being outdoors in the sun during peak sun hours of 10-4. Plan your outdoor fun around these hours.
  2. Wear Sunscreen. Don’t forget to apply it before you go outside and don’t forget the hard to reach spots like the back of your neck and legs.
  3. Reapply Your Sunscreen Often. It doesn’t last all day so remember to apply it after a couple hours and especially after swimming or exercise as you can also sweat it off.
  4.  Stay in the shade, wear a hat and sun-blocking clothes if you must be out when the sun is the most powerful.
  5. Stay hydrated. Healthy skin is hydrated skin and drinking lots of water keeps skin healthy.


Don’t forget to visit Whole Foods Market for their 4-day sale on sun care products with savings of 30% through May 26th, 2014! The gentleman that works in the health and beauty department saw me standing in front of the sun and skin care aisle and came to help me out because there are so many choices. He recommended a few different products based on my family and our needs and it was awesome to have that kind of help! Be sure to ask for some assistance if you need some too or you can read more about how to pick the perfect sunscreen.

Be sure to visit Whole Foods Market on Twitter or on Facebook: Encinitas, Del Mar or La Jolla

Heather Reese
the authorHeather Reese
Heather Delaney Reese is the storyteller and photographer behind the lifestyle and family travel blog, It's a Lovely Life®! For the past decade, she has vacationed over 150 days a year with her family. She is a vegan, and loves being by the water, spending time with her children, husband, 2 Shih Tzus and Cat.

1 Comment

  • I’m a fair-skinned girl with Scottish/Irish heritage so staying out of the suns rays for long periods of time is just fine by me ;-> With all of the sun protection products available my girls actually allow me to put on sunscreen by Jason and also by Alba. The lavender scented Alba sunscreen is lovely.

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