
5 Things I’m Doing Right Now To Look And Feel My Best

I'm in a New York state of mind. How about you?

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5 Things I’m Doing Right Now To Look And Feel My Best is a sponsored post partnership post with Scarology.DON’T WISH FOR IT WORK FOR IT

I decided I wasn’t making any New Year’s resolutions.

I never keep them anyways, and that realization is what really hit home. Knowing that I wanted to make a change, but also knowing that I’ve never kept a resolution made me double think how I do things. I needed to do more than just say I was going to do something. This year I just need to do it.

So on the first day of 2016 I started doing these 5 things right now to look and feel my best.

1. I started moving more. Getting up from the computer more often during working time and taking a little walk, even if it’s just around the house. It sounds so basic, but this has already helped me so much. It refreshes my brain and I’m not getting as physically tired as I was.

2. Getting more sleep. Someone once told me that every time I said I didn’t have time for something, I was really saying that it wasn’t a priority. When I wasn’t getting enough sleep I was really saying that my health wasn’t a priority. Sleep is when our bodies heal and rebuild. Sleep needs to be a priority.

3. Exercise. Pete and Ash love Crossfit and I finally tried it yesterday after starting to walk and run on the 1st. I’m not going to sugar coat this. It was hard and I can barely walk… but starting is the hard part and I’ve already done that. I can’t wait to see how much healthier I will be, and how much better I will look and feel soon.

4. I’m eating better. Yes, this is a typical resolution of sorts, but this year I took steps to make sure that I do. I did some meal prep already and I ordered pre-made food that fits with my eating goals. I’ve tried to just wing it in the past, but I know what works best for me is having everything ready to go.  That way I don’t have to think about what to eat when it’s meal time. I just go in the kitchen, heat it up, and I’m done.

5. I’m fixing things that bother me. I’m having my teeth perfected and I’m improving the appearance of scars and stretch marks with Scarology®

scar cream

Do you have scars that could use a little help in disappearing? Or maybe stretch marks you are sick of seeing? Scarology is for you. It is comprised of 3 components and steps targeting separate aspects of scar formation. 

Step 1 is Natural Fruit Acid Exfoliator. Step 2 is the Ultimate Scar Cream and Step 3 is the Silicone Scar Sheet.  

Scarology® products can be used on any skin type. Avoid extended sun exposure to the area of skin being treated. Do not use on open wounds. Begin Scarology’s 3-part system once the skin is completely healed and no scabs are present. Consult your medical doctor prior to initiating therapy if you have any concerns. If you have any adverse reaction to any part of Scarology®, immediately stop usage and seek professional medical care if symptoms persist.

Changes in scar appearance have been reported as early as 3 days following initial application. For best results, use Scarology’s 3-step Ultimate Scar System for a minimum of 3 months and continue to use it for as long as the scar shows signs of improvement. For less than a dollar a day, you can help improve the appearance of your scar. Older scars may require 6-12 months of continuous therapy.

at home scar removal
What changes are you making to look and feel your best?

Heather Reese
the authorHeather Reese
Heather Delaney Reese is the storyteller and photographer behind the lifestyle and family travel blog, It's a Lovely Life®! For the past decade, she has vacationed over 150 days a year with her family. She is a vegan, and loves being by the water, spending time with her children, husband, 2 Shih Tzus and Cat.


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