10k Traffic Challenge – Day 7

Pinterest For Bloggers

The coursework for the 10k Challenge contains affiliate links. Please read our disclosure policy for details.

Pinterest is a very important source of traffic for most bloggers.

For some bloggers, it is even their TOP source of traffic. This is especially true for Food, DIY, Craft, Fashion, and many other niches.

But, even for bloggers not in those niches, it can be a bonanza for FREE traffic to your site.

The key is to create eye-catching images with a catchy and clickable title.

Most bloggers use the free site Canva to create their Pins. In fact, Canva has tons of templates you can use to easily create Pinterest images (already in the ideal dimensions) that are designer-created at no additional cost.

Your Pin must look appealing in order to gain attention on Pinterest.

To see what is working best now, simply scroll through Pinterest, and take note of the styles and colors of Pins that are getting the most interaction or that show up at the top of your feed.

The easiest way to Pin your blog post is to have your Pinterest optimized image in your blog post. Then share your Pin to one of your boards from there.

Today’s assignment is about getting your feet wet with Pinterest. Read on in the next section to learn all about today’s assignment.

Day 7 Assignment

Today we are going to be doing a Pinterest repin thread. This activity will help your pins gain traction and hopefully get them repinned by more people… ultimately driving traffic to your site. 

We also consider this a great practice exercise for you to get more used to using Pinterest and working together with other bloggers.

Step 1: Pin one of your favorite blog posts to Pinterest on an appropriate board that you have set up. Make sure it is a Pinterest-optimized image.

Step 2: Copy the link of your pin and put it below in the thread linked below on Big Blogs. To grab your pin link you just need to click and open your pin. The link to the pin will be at the top of your browser.

Step 3: Click through 10 of the pins in the assignment thread and repin them onto one of your boards. After you repin, click “like” on the link on the thread to confirm that you repinned that link. When any particular link has 10 likes, please move onto another link to spread it around.

Notes: All links must be posted in this thread by 2/15/2022 at midnight PST. All repins must be completed by 2/17/2022 at midnight PST.

The 10k Challenge Day 7 Assignment Thread is HERE

The 10k Challenge Day 7 Question Thread is HERE

If you post your pin in this thread, then you are committing to repin 10 Pins.

Bonus tip: Tailwind is a program that helps make Pinterest Pin and allows you to schedule pins directly to Pinterest so you can spend a few minutes a week maximizing your Pinterest traffic. Learn more about Tailwind here.