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Are you stuck in a rut? Are you tired of living the status quo? Here is the thing… We all are there at some point. When you find yourself frustrated with where you are, it is time to Challenge Yourself! Push yourself to go further. Pull inspiration from everywhere around you. Don’t be satisfied until you have climbed out of your comfort zone and found yourself at new heights. Nothing is more thrilling to me than that moment that I realize, “I did it!” It wasn’t anyone else, but me. I challenged myself. I pushed through. YOU CAN TOO!!!
1. Learn something new. Push yourself to step out of your box and learn a new skill, a new concept, or anything! Knowledge is power!
2. Achieve a goal. Are you close to completing one of your goals? Achieve it! Cross it off your list. You will find that achieving one goal will give you the inspiration and energy to go to the next one.
3. Do something you’ve never done before. Get out of your comfort zone and try something new. Maybe you secretly always wanted to do it or you are totally scared out of your mind… Either way challenge yourself to try!
4. Go somewhere you’ve never been before. New places can sometimes kickstart inspiration and challenge us to think beyond our routine and normal comfort zone. Whether a big city or quiet nature, you can find inspiration in seeing new and exciting environments.
5. Talk to people who are different than you and that live a different lifestyle. Is everyone around you just like you? Find someone different. Gain a new perspective in life just from being around them and hearing their stories. You don’t have to live like them, but you can learn and be challenged by them.
6. Mix up your schedule. Routines are usually a good thing. But sometimes they hold us back. Step out of your routine every once in a while and mix things up! Keep yourself on your toes and find a new perspective of your day.
7. Do something the younger you used to love to do. Remember how thrilling it was to swing as high as you could on a swing or how playing a game of soccer made you feel like you were able to do anything? Go back to those feelings and challenge yourself by visiting those things your younger self used to do.
8. Aim higher. Set your sights just a little higher than where you even think you can go. Dream a dream and then shoot for the stars. You could just hit them!
9. Create something. Working with your hands and creating something yourself can challenge and inspire you in every area of life. It also creates pride in your creation and reminds you that you can create beautiful and amazing things!
10. Keep a positive attitude. “Attitude determines Altitude!” You can only go as far as your attitude will let you. Stay positive and remind yourself that you are a work in progress and you can do amazing things!
I can deal with all 10 of those challenges.. over the summer i did something i never thought i would ever do.. i was scared and panicked but i got through it..
I love a good challenge! This one seems like a great one. I think we all need a few challenges in life every now and again!
This is actually an awesome post. I do feel like that sometimes and a change of scenery definitely helps!
This past weekend I went on rides that I’ve not been on in YEARS! It was fun 🙂 It’s good to get out of the box once in awhile.
Such an awesome post! Great job!
This is great food for thought. I try to learn something new every day. And I try to teach something new every day, too.
Great post. I agree that learning something new helps keep your brain active. 😉
Those are some great challenges. I always find myself staying on the safe side. I really need to start challenging myself.
What an inspirational post!
This is a very inspiring post. Challenge=Desafio is my middle name 🙂
Those are really good and doable challenges! I try to expand my comfort zone instead of walking outside of it.
Great tips! I always seem to set unrealistic challenges for myself though and disappointed when I am not able to fufill them!
I love this post. A positive attitude can really make or break your entire life. If you go through life grumpy and sullen, that rubs off on everyone you meet and everything you do.
I need to work on number 10.
This is a great post. Good challenges but still doable.
So true, attitude is everything. And having a positive outlook on life is a must. 🙂
Great list. Keeping positive is important
Love the idea of revisiting something I used to love to do when I was younger!
I am always trying to challenge myself! Sometimes it goes well, other times, not so much!
Great list I really needed this bit of inspiration!
I love this!!!! I am challenging myself more and more each day and I have implemented some of these on your list already! Perfect!
This is great information and so true. I think it is so important to challenge ones self. Thanks for sharing.
I totally want to go somewhere that i’ve never been before!! How exciting that would be to explore a new place 🙂
I couldn’t agree more! Today I went to a writers conference and made a 60 second pitch to an agent in front of a room of strangers. I was terrified, but learned so much.
Awesome tips! I need to challenge myself a bit.
I am all about #1 which is probably why I keep going back to college when I say I am going to quit. I sometimes feel like a little kid that wants to be a ballerina, astronaut and lawyer….lol. I am currently an Accountant, Elementary School Teacher and Registered Nurse.. Thank goodness I had the military to pay for all those degrees and to foster my love for learning something new…hahaha
It is very true that ‘Attitude determines Altitude’. Our routine life style some times make it so boring. I always try new ideas in my day-to-day activities, once in a month or two. When I am down, I go for shopping or spend time in a park or a beach which will help me come out of any worries I have. Living with a positive attitude is a great gift to succeed in life.
What an inspiring post! Thanks for sharing!
I agree! Life definitely begins when we push pass our comfort zone. Other wise it’s not life, it’s just habits repeating themselves.