
10 Things You Should Be Saying To Your Husband

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10 things you should say to your husband

1. I am proud of the man you are. Men want a cheerleader! Let your husband know that he makes you proud and you will be telling him that you are proud to be his.

2. You make me a better person just by being with you. Tell your husband that you are better with him than a part from him. 

3. You inspire me to follow my dreams. Seeing your husband work hard inspires you to do the same and go after your dreams. Together you can do so much.

4. Tell your hubby what is attractive about him. We want him to tell us that we are beautiful. Don’t forget he wants to know you think he is amazing.

5. You are an amazing dad. If you are blessed with children, let your husband know you appreciate his role as a father in their lives.

6. Thinking of you still gives me goose bumps. You may not be in the puppy love stage anymore, but keep the excitement alive with those little goose bumps.

7. I will always love you. You can’t say “I love you” too much. Tell him often and let him know he has your love for always.

8. Thank you for all that you do for me and our children. Men really do feel the pressure of leading and providing for their families. Although, they are not perfect, let your husband know that you really appreciate the work that he does and sacrifices he makes for you and the kids.

9. I am so glad we are together. Tell your man that you are happy you chose him and he chose you. Life isn’t always perfect, but you are happy that you are going through life together. 

10. Tell them there is nobody you would ever want to be with other than them and how happy they make you!

Did I forget anything? What else should you be saying to your husband?

Heather Reese
the authorHeather Reese
Heather Delaney Reese is the storyteller and photographer behind the lifestyle and family travel blog, It's a Lovely Life®! For the past decade, she has vacationed over 150 days a year with her family. She is a vegan, and loves being by the water, spending time with her children, husband, 2 Shih Tzus and Cat.


  • I would first say to the husband,
    Examine yourself honestly, openly and willing to see yourself as a man who is not worthy of these words. Then close your eyes and imagine the man who is worthy of hearing these words from his partner. How does he treat his family and strangers? How does he discipline his children? What type of things does he do for fun? What does he do with the money God blessed him with? Then, ask yourself, do u measure up?
    If not, get yourself to match the image you have of that man!
    After you have done this, you are worthy of this praise. You will find that if you Are worthy of this praise you will not NEED to hear it. Nor will you even seek that attention. You will feel like the richest man on this planet when you hear these words addressed to you!


  • Awwww, this is a great list. I always try to tell my hubby that he’s handsome. I don’t think he believes me, but I still tell him.

  • I tell my Hubs a lot of these things, but I suppose you can never say them too often. I need to get on the ball and be a better wife.

  • Yeah ladies, get to it! What’s wrong with you?! 😉

    j/k – great list. Let’s see one for us guys.

  • My husband totally needs a cheerleader! I know he feels the pressure of providing for our family! Thanks for the reminder!

  • Great thoughtful list. I don’t have anything to add to it. Your husband is a lucky man to have a loving wife like you!

  • I’m proud to say that I mention at least one (of not two or three) everyday. We also have super great communication with each other.

  • Yes, yes, yes to all of this. I think often we forget the power of our words, especially when it comes to building up our spouses.

  • What a wonderful list! I tell my Hubby that I love him everyday and try to always remind him that he is a great dad, person & hubs. When you’re in the thick of your life, day in & out, it’s sometime easy to take for granted the person you love the most.

  • I tell my husband every day that I love him, but will definitely add some of these in the future. 🙂

  • I love my husband dearly and try to let him know every day. I think it really comes down to not taking your partner for granted. Cherish the moments…

  • I love all of these and I know I need to do this more often. My husband really is the best and I should remind him of that daily.

  • Love the tips! Though I’m not married yet, I tell some of this to my boyfriend 😉 It feels good when you make your partner happy!

  • These are fantastic!!! I love this advice. I know my husband always appreciated this kind of thing.

  • This is great advice! My husband and I can’t end a conversation without saying I love you.

  • It feels good to build up those we love, especially our husbands. I like your list. 🙂

  • these are wonderful things to say to the man in your life. You do have to build them up

  • That’s a great list – I do need to say some of those things. Thanks for the reminder.

  • Oh boy – I don’t say these things nearly enough to my husband. I’m sure it would totally make his day if I did.

  • Great tips, I am not married yet. I do agree and I will pass along to my married friends.

  • Great list of things to say. I make sure I compliment my bf, tell him I love him and that I appreciate him all the time 🙂

  • Not a day goes by that my husband and I don’t tell eachother we love one another. Actually, multiple times a day. Almost 17 years in, me and him. <3

  • These are excellent ways to express your feelings, and a great reminder to do it more often! My husband and I leave little notes for each other when our schedules are opposite each other. I’m going to include some of these in my “love notes” starting tomorrow!!

  • i stopped to saying like these things. Sometimes, i want to hear them firstly from him. Now, none of us hardly never says and hears them.

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